Class of 1974 — 50th Reunion Dates and Information
We look forward to the upcoming celebration of your 50th high school reunion. As a school community we are pleased to welcome the Class of 1974 as official “Golden Friars.” The reunion committee has planned a series of events to commemorate this milestone. Below, you will find information for the events. Please let us know which you are able to attend by registering below. A letter will also be mailed with this information and a response form to be mailed back should your prefer not to register electronically. If you have any questions, please contact Director of Alumni, Greg Loftus, at 410-485-5000 ext. 280 or
To register for the Class of 1974’s 50th Reunion events CLICK HERE.
Golden Friars Class Gifts
Every year we celebrate a new class of Golden Friars, and every year we encourage the members of that class to contribute to an endowed scholarship to be named for that class. The goal for each class is $25,000 which is the minimum amount required to establish a named scholarship. All previous classes of Golden Friars have met this goal in order to create a scholarship to be awarded preferentially to a classmate’s grandson.
To make a contribution to your class’s gift online, CLICK HERE.
You may also write a check payable to Archbishop Curley High School. Please include in the memo line “Class of “ ” Scholarship and mail it to:
Alumni Office
Archbishop Curley High School
3701 Sinclair Lane
Baltimore, MD 21213